What is happening in your life that separates you from living with deeper meaning? How is God present or absent in your life? How do you know God’s direction for your life?
Spiritual direction encourages us to explore our relationship with God.
Spiritual Direction.
​Many of us find it a challenge to notice God’s action in the midst of our busy lives, although we really yearn – deep within our being – for an awareness of God’s presence with us.
In spiritual direction, we are guided to reflect acutely on the experiences of our daily lives and God’s presence within each experience.
Spiritual direction is about being invited on a journey with a trained and certified companion to listen to God in a new way.
Frequently Asked Questions.
What is the role of the spiritual director?
A spiritual director/companion is one who is present to the directee through deep listening and personal support. This creates a safe environment where we can openly and prayerfully explore where God’s spirit is leading.
What happens in spiritual direction?
Spiritual direction is really not about being “directed.” Rather, it is very much about being encouraged to draw closer to God through conversation, listening and prayer. We talk about what’s on your mind.
How often do we meet? Is there a cost?
Most common is a monthly appointment for one hour at the Franciscan Renewal Center. Our suggested donation for spiritual direction is $45-$65 per visit. The amount is negotiable and is determined between the director and the person seeking direction.
How do I find a spiritual director?
Please contact Cathy Olds, Coordinator of Spiritual Direction Ministry, at spiritualdirection@thecasa.org.
For Spiritual Directors
​Individual and group supervision is available for practicing spiritual directors.
Contact Cathy Olds at spiritualdirection@thecasa.org for more information.